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Cosmetic Dentistry – Dyer, IN

A Smile You’re Truly
Happy With

Man and woman with flawless smiles after cosmetic dentistry

It’s easy to become frustrated with the appearance of your teeth when there’s a notable flaw that draws your attention every time you see yourself in a mirror or in a photograph. After your oral health has been accounted for, your Advanced Dental Concepts team can discuss our various cosmetic services and the various ways they can enhance your appearance and give you a grin that you can be confident while keeping the maximum amount of dental structure intact. From crooked teeth to dental stains to even excessive gum tissue, virtually every dental imperfection that’s bothered you over the years can be addressed right here. Contact us today for a consultation to discuss cosmetic dentistry in Dyer, IN.

Why Choose Advanced Dental Concepts
for Cosmetic Dentistry?

  • A Friendly, Nonjudgmental
  • Long Lasting
    Lifelike Results
  • Painless Laser
    Gum Recontouring

Porcelain Veneers

Closeup of smile compared with porcelain veneer color chart

There’s a reason why “porcelain veneers” is often our answer when patients ask what their best option for cosmetic treatment is. It’s a relatively simple yet highly effective way to completely transform a smile by hiding all of the flaws on your teeth at once with a thin sheath. The veneer is attached to the front surface of the tooth and immediately covers up minor chips and cracks as well as gaps and stains; it can even be used to hide certain misalignment issues and improve the overall shape of the tooth.


Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Closeup of smile after metal free dental restorations

Crowns, inlays, onlays, and other restorations are primarily meant to rebuild, strengthen, and protect teeth. Appearance can still be considered, however, thanks to tooth-colored ceramics. A restoration made out of ceramic instead of metal can blend right in with the rest of the smile, and it can be more easily customized to match your overall appearance so that it’s less obvious that you’ve had dental work done. This type of restoration is also much safer for anyone who is sensitive or allergic to the metals traditionally used for crowns.

At-Home Teeth Whitening

At home teeth whitening kit

Using store-bought whitening products tends to have limited results. The ingredients just aren’t able to reach stains beneath the enamel. Fortunately, the professional whitening kits provided by Advanced Dental Concepts are much more reliable. You’ll be given a custom-crafted tray along with bleaching gel and usage instructions. You will fill the tray with the gel and wear it for a set amount of time each day. Normally, it only takes a few weeks to brighten the smile by as many as ten shades.

In-Practice Teeth Whitening

Woman smiling after in practice teeth whitening

While our whitening kits are effective, they also take time. If you need results right away for an upcoming wedding, graduation, or another special event, an in-practice whitening can brighten your smile in about an hour. This also gives you the benefit of having your dentist by your side to directly oversee the entire treatment process. To begin, we take a picture of your smile, then discuss the exact shade you want. (You don’t always want it to be as white as possible, as it may end up looking unnatural.) When the treatment starts, we will apply whitening gel to the teeth for about 15 minutes at a time. At the end of said 15 minutes, we’ll check on the teeth and decide whether or not another application as needed. Two to three applications are all it normally takes for a 10-shade improvement.

Gum Recontouring

Animated smile during gum recontouring

A short, stubby tooth may actually be of regular length; it just looks short because the gum tissue is covering too much of the natural dental structure. If you’ve been bothered by an “imbalanced” smile, then a gum recontouring process can help. A conservative amount of tissue will be removed to reshape the gumline into something more aesthetically pleasing, revealing more of the dazzling tooth to the world. Sometimes gum recontouring is performed as part of restorative treatment, such as to make room for a dental bridge or crown and ensure that it gets enough support to hold it in place.

Dental Bonding

Patient receiving dental bonding treatment

With direct bonding, minor cosmetic issues can be quickly corrected to great effect. This is commonly used to hide small gaps, chips in the enamel, stubborn stains, and shallow cracks – all in just one visit. Instead of veneers, a small amount of composite resin is placed on the tooth and carefully sculpted so that it looks like a natural part of the enamel. Once we’re satisfied with how it looks, we’ll use a special light to harden it quickly. Just like that, the imperfections are gone, and you have a brighter, more confident smile to enjoy.